Monday, August 11, 2008

Okay, I'm a dork....

Okay, So I'm a total dork! Have you ever had a craving to just make something or do something? I've been itching lately to make a cake, but I haven't had a reason to make one. So last night I decided to bake one, and I decorated it tonight! I was going to use this cake to work on my decorating skills, but instead I was a total dork, and made a silly cake. I had really good intentions, but this is what I ended up with. I know it kind of looks like "wilson", and you can't really tell but it says "Sav loves Riley". Riley came into the kitchen where I was just getting started and asked me what I was going to do, I looked at him and just said "I don't know whatever comes to mind." well... nothing came to mind. So I sat there watching the Olympics and racking my brain and decided to just do this. Riley came into the room about 10 minutes later and looked at it, then looked at me, and I said I have no idea what I'm doing! His response.......... obviously!!!
So here it is my Rainbow/Wilson/love cake! hee hee hee :0) (hopefully it taste good, we will see.)


Brian and Amelia said...

I love it! I think it's great! And the best part is that you had fun!

Alisha said...

Nice! I love it! he he he! We are coming home tomorrow! we'll try and get together soon! Love ya!

Annie said...

I think it looks pretty good! Jordan would be all over all that frosting!